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How to treat my skin conditions?

At our clinic, we like to educate our clients and design the treatment accordingly to individual client needs. We mainly deal with these different types of skin conditions:

So if you are suffering any of the above conditions please call us to book your consultation appointment, we would love to help you. 

At DK we can plan your treatment with higher percentage of active ingredients, advice you on the right home care routine and professional grade products.

Ageing skin

This involves accumulation of changes in your skin overtime. 


Common signs of ageing:

  • Loss of elasticity and collagen
  • Volume loss
  • Thinning of the epidermis especially around the eyes
  • Break down of barrier functions which causes dehydration
  • Changes in the pore size
  • Skin texture
  • Gravitational effects
  • Increased sensitivity to certain products

There are multiple methods that we can apply to delay the aging process:

Home care

The most important aspect to delay the ageing process is to have the right home care.


You should be using products which has right ingredients such as anti oxidants to fight free radicals, to reduce pigmentation, to increase cellular turnover, to help in collagen synthesis, to stop transdermal water loss and most importantly physical SPF to protect our skin from harmful UV rays and sun damage.

Healthy Diet

Regular facials

Oxygen treatments



Non-surgical treatments: HIFU, RF


Acne vulgaris

Acne is the most common skin disease. It can effect all ages and any skin type. It most often affects the face but it can spread to other parts of body such as back, neck and chest.

Mild Acne

It comes and goes, most common symptoms could be white heads, black heads, papules, pustules. Skin can be red and inflamed. The most common cause of it is over production of the sebum, dehydration, slow cell turnover.

Moderate to severe acne

More inflammatory lesions

Pseudo cysts

More comedones

We can tackle these acnes with:

For milder acne...

Home care with products which has right ingredients to increase cell turnover, decongest pores, improve barrier function and to normalise the production of sebum.

  • Acne facials with extractions
  • AHA peels Glycolic peels
  • Vi peel for acne
  • LED light treatment

For moderate to severe acne...

  • Topical anti acne products
  • Laser
  • Light therapy
  • Antibiotics
  • Birth control pills
  • Referral to a specialist

At DK, we can plan your treatment with higher percentage of active ingredients, advice you on the right home care routine and professional grade products.


It is another common skin condition. Our skin starts to produce more melanin which results in dark patches and brown spots also know as liver or age spots. Main cause is prolonged sun exposure, topical misuse of products, lack of SPF in home care routine and hormonal imbalance Melasma.

Common Symptoms:

  • Flushing of the skin can last for more than 10 minutes
  • Rougher skin texture
  • Larger pores
  • Small red papules
  • Stinging burning sensation
  • Dry skin
  • Expanded blood vessels and shows through the skin

How can we treat it:

  • Avoid heat
  • No facial massages or any heat generating treatment such as RF, Ultrasound
  • Physical sun screen
  • Calming facials
  • Rebuilding barriers
  • Red light spectrum


It is another common skin condition. Our skin starts to produce more melanin which results in dark patches and brown spots also know as liver or age spots. Main cause is prolonged sun exposure, topical misuse of products, lack of SPF in home care routine and hormonal imbalance Melasma.


How can we treat it:

  • It can be managed with combination of treatments
  • Home care routine with skin lightners, physical SPF and avoiding reactives at day time
  • TCA peels for Fitzpatrick 1 to 3 lighter skin colour
  • Lactic acid peels for colour of skin
  • Vi peels can be used for colour of skin
  • It is very important to pre treat colour of skin to slower the activity of melanocytes to avoid post inflammatory pigmentation
  • Laser and IPL for 1 to 3 Fitzpatrick skin


Melasma is very hard to treat and it’s more common in colour of skin. It involves darkening of face around cheeks and forehead area. Main cause is hormonal imbalance and pre pregnancy. It can be epidermal, dermal and junctional. Epidermal Melasma is much easier to treat than the other two types.


But the most important is to diagnose your condition correctly. 

At DK cosmetics we use woods lamp to diagnose the condition and advice the right treatment.


How can we manage it:

Patience is the key, it cannot be fixed overnight. But it’s very important to start using right products to suppress excessive melanin production as once cells start to talk to each other (cell talk), it can spread to other areas of your face.


If you are suffering from any of the above conditions please call us to book your consultation appointment. We would love to help you by advising the right treatment and professional grade products

Start your journey

At DK, you will be looked after by Dee Kaur who has trained with London medical school and aesthetic clinic. So you can relax knowing you are getting the very best treatment in the industry.  

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